About Us

Dream Lights & Systems Limited, a company incorporated in Nigeria to distribute modern and sophisticated lighting systems and switches for commercial and residential applications. We are the lighting division of a home automation company-BBG Smarthome Networks Ltd.

We have a variety of in-ground, Walk-over and deck lights for the beautification of your floors, gardens, cabinets, and compound. The Ground/Floor are IP68 compliant-meaning they are waterproof.

We are located in the quiet and unpopular Elegushi International Art Market to ensure that only those who appreciate the art of good living reach us at affordable prices. This art market is the most visited market by foreigners in Nigeria. More than 90% of European, Americas and Asian foreigners must have visited this market for at least once. It is a tourist center. Unfortunately, most Nigerians do not know the market exists. That is where we are.

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